

Ti’Akeni is a XiTsonga phrase meaning to build one’s self. These are tailor made projects where we team up with the existing group, club, school or program to facilitate the Life Design course. These courses are specifically structured to promote and assist the existing group and put in place a weekly, fortnight or monthly program to track the development of the youth. Ti’Akeni is a long-term project, with a minimum of 6 months commitment from the client. They are best suited for existing clubs, groups or sport teams.

Personal development takes place over time in order to gain experience and the participants to become aware of, change or adapt their behaviour. There are many different types of learning, and each individual absorbs information in a variety of ways. At YNLM, we focus on two types of learning:


Learning occurs by observing others and then modelling behaviours that lead to favourable outcomes and avoiding the behaviours that lead to punishing outcomes. We focus on three aspects of observational learning:

Behavioural Modelling
By observing the Instructor in a given task, participants may be able to remember the key elements that caused that task to be successful. They are then able to attempt and practice these elements themselves. This is vital in the understanding and teaching of physical activities.
Learning Behaviour Consequences
People learn the consequences of behaviour in ways other than through direct experience, e.g. by contemplating the consequences of our actions and by observing consequences that other people experience. The tailored personal development activities are crucial to the growth of the individual and progress of the group.
This is the objective of the process. Once the participant learns to reinforce the principles and values thought, when they are in their own real-life situations. This allows the participant to feel a greater sense of control over their circumstances and thus become more self-dependant.
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Experiential Learning can be summarised simply with the Do–Review–Transfer cycle. Concrete experience involves sensory and emotional engagement. This is an approach to training and development which utilises adventurous educational experiences (activities which involve some form of perceived physical or emotional risk) to bring about positive changes in individuals, and change takes time. This is the main reason why the program is a minimum of 6 months.


• Who am I and what can I do?
• What are my personal, family and community values?
• What is my culture?
• What are my relationships with others like, and how well do I communicate with them
• What is sexuality?
• What are my goals and how do I make good decisions?
• How do I keep violence out of my life?
• How do I take care of my health?
• How do I prepare for the world of work?
• Finances – Where do I start?

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